I've got a few different methods for w/c's. My goldie tank sits on the bar in the kitchen above the sink, so for that one I use a siphon but let it drain down the sink. And fill it up with the sink hose. That is the easiest tank. I have a 65 gal tank in the middle of the house and I have to use the python for that. I don't like it though. I have to keep faucet on the whole time to get enough suction to clean the gravel. I hate wasting water. And its hard to get the temperature stable. It seems like by the time the water is coming out of the python into the tank, it is a different temperature than where I started! My other two tanks, I just use the siphon and bucket method. But they are my smallest tanks, 10 gal and 25 gal, so no biggie.