Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hi. I have a question and want opinions/answers PLEASE.
I've read some really good threads here about PWC opinions.
I have always been told to do 20 -25% PWC per month by all my LFS's and books and here I am reading a lot of people stating that you should do up to 50% per week or more even.

What is the reason for this discrepancy?
Does having a lot of filtration help with any of this?
I grew up with LFS's stating that nitrates were not a health problem, yet now everything has changed dramatically where all the forums are saying that any nitrate at all is deadly, yet LFS's still state not to listen to the forums regarding Nitrates. I've even been told recently not to go on the forums from one of my LFS's, but that's not gonna happen, of course.
I do have a now overstocked fish tank 125 gallons with new plants and 6 fluval filters and one penquin with bio wheels - so there is a ton of filtration and water movement. Like I said, I have a lot of plants in 1/2 of my tank but I don't think they are doing anything - just there for interest. Read that sometimes plants really don't do anything for nitrates unless it is over planted with very few fish.
What are you guys' thoughts on this, please. There are so many drastically different opinions, but I really want all of your opinions on this.
Thank you for your time and interest.
I've read some really good threads here about PWC opinions.
I have always been told to do 20 -25% PWC per month by all my LFS's and books and here I am reading a lot of people stating that you should do up to 50% per week or more even.

What is the reason for this discrepancy?
Does having a lot of filtration help with any of this?
I grew up with LFS's stating that nitrates were not a health problem, yet now everything has changed dramatically where all the forums are saying that any nitrate at all is deadly, yet LFS's still state not to listen to the forums regarding Nitrates. I've even been told recently not to go on the forums from one of my LFS's, but that's not gonna happen, of course.
I do have a now overstocked fish tank 125 gallons with new plants and 6 fluval filters and one penquin with bio wheels - so there is a ton of filtration and water movement. Like I said, I have a lot of plants in 1/2 of my tank but I don't think they are doing anything - just there for interest. Read that sometimes plants really don't do anything for nitrates unless it is over planted with very few fish.
What are you guys' thoughts on this, please. There are so many drastically different opinions, but I really want all of your opinions on this.
Thank you for your time and interest.