Aquarium Advice Freak
I've been treating my CT for velvet for 5 days now (it's in a thread further down titled velvet issues again). The malacite green based med I was using didn't seem to be working (he seemed to be getting worse), so I purchased some Coppersafe. Because he's only in about a quart of water, I only added about 2-3 drops of Coppersafe along with a med similar to Maracyn. I did a 100% water change before adding the Coppersafe this morning. This evening I looked in on him (he's covered with a towel to keep it dark) and to try to feed him and noticed the water looked fuzzy. I'm worried. Did I maybe add too much Coppersafe? Is it a reaction with the fungal med? Any ideas? He does seem to be up and moving around a bit more. Still not eating.