Weird clowns

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 19, 2013
western australia
Is it weird that my clowns will only host my hairy mushroom at night when it's closed up also my clowns seem to love eating nori is that weird
Clowns are funny and will host pretty much anything from anemones to sand and powerheads. They are omnivores. That's why they eat Nori. It's normal.
Clowns are omnivores meaning they'll eat their veggies to. As for hosting there was a posting a about two weeks ago about one clown hosting a particular spot on the sand bed. I currently a pair of Pearl Eye Clarkii's that will host my Condy Anemone occasionally. According to "the Condy Anemone does not have a relationship with any particular fish, and it is rare for any type of clownfish or damsel to reside within them."
My clowns sleep on top of the pump for my protein skimmer. I have 3 really nice options for them and they choose the pump.
I don't know my clowns are so active they only settle down when the lights go out anyway.
Yea that's what I find to they spend the whole day swimming around the tank and then at night the sleep next to each other in my hairy mushroom
That's not for no reason they're named "clownfish"... In my tank they always do weird things.

Mine hosted the black sillicon on a corner....
I walked up to my tank one day and my clown was laying on its side and looked like it had just died because it wasn't moving. I tapped on the glass and he was just laying there sucking on a hairy mushroom (sounds dirty doesn't it?) :) he wasnt hurting it or anything... Just sucking on its tendrils. My male clown is strange.
I walked up to my tank one day and my clown was laying on its side and looked like it had just died because it wasn't moving. I tapped on the glass and he was just laying there sucking on a hairy mushroom (sounds dirty doesn't it?) :) he wasnt hurting it or anything... Just sucking on its tendrils. My male clown is strange.

Lol mine suck on my Duncan's tentacles. God this thread is turning into a dirty movie haha
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