Weird Guppy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2008
Houston, Texas
Okay, I have a guppy that was born in my tank. Its mother died a few months ago and the little baby guppy has been growing. At first he was turning a little yellow on the tail, then a little orange on the tail as well. But then 2 streaks of black on its tail appeared, I thought it was getting pretty weird but i had no idea. A big Black dot appeared half a centimeter behind its eye and you know the fanned tail a guppy has, well about a centimeter of its tail at the bottom started growing out while the rest of the tail didn't. what type of guppy is it i have no idea. I read somewhere that new types of guppies are being made every day since of all the kinds there are, but I don't know what to think. Any :confused: ideas what kind it is?

Can you get a pic of it posted?

Like you said there are so many different kinds of guppies it is hard to tell just from a description. What kind of guppy was the mother? Do you know what guppy was the father or was the mother pregnant when you got her?
sounds like a endler.

if it is a guppy a guppy is a guppy no mater what color it is. the rest of the names are just made up to try and describe the color of it or the pattern.

I'm sorry had to get off to do somethings but ill see if i could get a pic of him on here. His mother was already pregnant when i got her which i didnt know till he appeared........ But thanks i was going to get some more guppies so i guess it doesnt matter what kind i get. Thanks again!
I'd be careful with mixing males and females or you'll end up like me... read my signature.. 12 males, 7-9 females and tons of fry still... and this is after a few weeks of being separated! I've seen new fry a few days ago, last Wed actually. Just keep that in mind, you'll have tons of fry in no time and it seems the parents get sick of eating their own and just give up.

I also thought my diamond tetras would enjoy eating the fry but they too grew tired of chasing them. Now I have them all separated and hopefully that will put an end to this nightmare!!! :)
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