What’s wrong with my Dalmatian molly?!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 18, 2024
havana il
Hey could I please get some help asap?! My Molly fish is laying on the bottom of my tank and it’s spine is bent, and when it tries to swim it just twirls and is very off balance, I don’t know what to do about it because I don’t know what’s wrong..
My tank is on the cooler side but there hasn’t been any major changes in the water or anything like that at all. I’m newer to keeping fish aswell but this is the first fish this has happened to.
Please take a read through the "unhealthy fish" sticky and answer all the questions as thoroughly as you are able. If you don't know the answer to a question say "I don't know" rather than skip the question.

Uploading a video of the behaviour to youtube and posting a link would be useful too.
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