It's either 2 males vying for dominance or they are spawning. Can't tell from that picture. If they are spawning, you should see one of them spewing the eggs into the water by the plants.I tried to put a video in, but can’t. This is just a still picture of the fish. But they swim this close together and are going in a circle very close to each other.
Well, unfortunately information was given but you are probably not going to like the answer.Thank you. I’m going to try a video.
The tank being too small is a big issue. Goldfish produce a ton of waste and a tank that small with two goldfish can have big ammonia spikes. Goldfish need at least a 40 gallon, please get them a bigger tank or rehome them, this environment will shorten their lifespan and make them extremely stressed and unhappy.Hi guys, I posted before. Trying to figure out what they are doing. I think I have a good video this time. I know my tank is small for the two fish. Don’t quite know what to do about it. Anyway. Hope this is a good video.
Thank you for any advice.