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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2008
ok guys i have a 75 gallon tank that has had a yellow tail damsel, clarky clown, and yellow tang in it for about 2 months or more. I want to add one more fish what should i get. I want to get another tang

I was thinking of a blue hippo tang.

I heard that they get a ick very quick on the transport to my house. i have a qt tank so if he were to get ick he is going right into that anyways. how are they once they are in your tank are they hardy fish or not a good buy?

I was thinking also of a purple tang or a naso tang. I really dont want a yellow eyed kole tang i think they are dull looking. (Just my opinion)

SO what is it
Blue hippo
Purple tang (this one is a little pricey)
Blonde naso tang
I really dont want a yellow eyed kole tang i think they are dull looking. (Just my opinion)

Say what !!!! LOL

HAHAHAHA i know i know i just am not into them sorry. No offense. I was reading up on the naso tang and they seem to big for my tank.
BTW Blonde Naso tang needs a minimum of a 125 gallon tank. Purple tang needs at least 100 + gallons. Hippo needs 70+ gallons.
If you can't deal with a kole, I'd stand pat with the tangs. You have enuf in a smaller tank IMO. The hippo, since I hear they're sensitive to ick sometimes, would surely have a problem in a small tank and another tang in it.

Kole or other smaller (bimini maybe) are your only options IMO. DEFINITELY not a naso. They need room. 6 ft tanks. Purple neither.
Ok thanx everyone for your help

I was also thinking of a blenny or another clown
I love my yellow-eyed kole tang as well. As mentioned, the naso, hippo and purple tangs are really not great options. Be carefull adding another clown to your exsiting one. How about a small school of blue/green reef chromis, a royal gramma, a sixline wrasse or one of the dwarf angels (if you do not have a reef).
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