What fish can I get?

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I have also been recommended a single kribensis. Do you think they would fight with the rams? If not I might risk it with honey gouramis. My stocking would be
• 17 long finned danios( maybe less depends on there offers)
• my BN and my rams
• 3 honey gouramis( not sure if that’s the right amount) or a kribensis
• 4 male swordtails or 10 rummynose tetras.
If any of those fish wouldn’t work out pls say. I just want some beautiful looking fish that don’t kill each other but also have a bit of a personality(that’s why I like non- shoaling fish more).
I have also been recommended a single kribensis. Do you think they would fight with the rams? If not I might risk it with honey gouramis. My stocking would be
• 17 long finned danios( maybe less depends on there offers)
• my BN and my rams
• 3 honey gouramis( not sure if that’s the right amount) or a kribensis
• 4 male swordtails or 10 rummynose tetras.
If any of those fish wouldn’t work out pls say. I just want some beautiful looking fish that don’t kill each other but also have a bit of a personality(that’s why I like non- shoaling fish more).
Me personally, I would go with the Kribensis over the Gouramis but only if the rams are both males. If the rams are a M/F pair, I wouldn't put another cichlid in the tank. I would consider a rainbowfish school. Look at the Dwarf Neon Rainbows. Since you already have the schooling Danios, I'd go with the male swordtails over the rummynose. ( It may be a bit too cool for the Rummies anyway. )
Do you think I shouldn’t go for the honeys because of the iridovirus or because they are a bad fit or a bit of both? I do like the look of the swordtails so think I will go for them and then in the future will either go for rummynose tetras or some rainbowfish. Here’s some photos of the rams.


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Me personally, I would go with the Kribensis over the Gouramis but only if the rams are both males. If the rams are a M/F pair, I wouldn't put another cichlid in the tank. I would consider a rainbowfish school. Look at the Dwarf Neon Rainbows. Since you already have the schooling Danios, I'd go with the male swordtails over the rummynose. ( It may be a bit too cool for the Rummies anyway. )
The dwarf neon rainbows look great. Should I pick them or swordtails or would both be fine?
From what I’ve seen online I’m relatively confident that the bully/leader is a male. If they are both males should I be concerned(will they kill each other) or should they be fine)? I think I’ll wait to add my final additions(kribensis or whatever else I decide on) to the tank but maybe in 2-4 weeks I’ll get some swordtails or the rainbows and some more danios.
From what I’ve seen online I’m relatively confident that the bully/leader is a male. If they are both males should I be concerned(will they kill each other) or should they be fine)? I think I’ll wait to add my final additions(kribensis or whatever else I decide on) to the tank but maybe in 2-4 weeks I’ll get some swordtails or the rainbows and some more danios.
As long as you can give them multiple places to call " home", 2 males should get along . The issue becomes when there are females involved. So 2 fish should equal 4 places to call home. Best is to visually cut the tank in half lengthwise then half width wise and place homes ( i.e. pots, caves, rocks, woods) in the far corners away from each other. The more distance you can put between them, the better. (y) As for adding more fish, I'd spend the money on fixing the filtration over getting more fish. :whistle: ;)
Okay I’ll do that with the rams. I currently have 3 plants pots but hoping that the plants will grow more and I have 2 pieces of driftwood and a large rock. As with getting a larger filter I’ll look into what’s available but the current filter seems to be doing well since I’ve adapted it.
Okay I’ll do that with the rams. I currently have 3 plants pots but hoping that the plants will grow more and I have 2 pieces of driftwood and a large rock. As with getting a larger filter I’ll look into what’s available but the current filter seems to be doing well since I’ve adapted it.
But you are talking about adding more fish. Have you ever heard of "the straw that broke the Camel's back"? ;)
I know you don’t want me to add any fish before I get a new filter, but that aside could an electric blue acara work in my tank? I would add more hiding places and adjust the setup to make it work.
Would it work if I rehomed one of the rams(not sure if I would want to do this tho? I found a similar situation on this forum(and others) with 2 Bolivian rams and EBA and other fish and people said it was fine. You’re the expert so I’ll trust your advice that I shouldn’t get them. Also would an EBA eat my danios? Also aren’t electric blue acaras middle dwelling fish(I’m sure you can tell I don’t know to much about them but as it’s the only aquarium I will have for a long time I want to get some cool looking fish that have a bit of personality.) :)
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Would it work if I rehomed one of the rams(not sure if I would want to do this tho? I found a similar situation on this forum(and others) with 2 Bolivian rams and EBA and other fish and people said it was fine. You’re the expert so I’ll trust your advice that I shouldn’t get them. Also would an EBA eat my danios? Also aren’t electric blue acaras middle dwelling fish(I’m sure you can tell I don’t know to much about them but as it’s the only aquarium I will have for a long time I want to get some cool looking fish that have a bit of personality.) :)
You've got a couple of things working against you. Acaras, while not aggressive cichlids are still cichlids which means they can turn on a dime against fish they are with. A 3' tank is not really a great size for them when you have a number of other fish. While not a " schooling" fish, Acaras do better in groups than as singles. When single, aggression tends to be more common. Lastly, as far as other's experiences with fish: Not every fish reads the book on them. I've had fish terrorize tanks when the specie, according to the common info on them, is usually a docile fish. I've had fish be very shy when the specie is supposed to be a gregarious specie. My best example is when my pair of Oscars adopted a small school of goldfish fry I placed in the tank as feeders for them. So there are always going to be exceptions and if you depend on those exceptions, you will be vey disappointed more often than not.
I won’t get any EBA for now, however they will be added to my bucket list of fish. I think I’m really interested in getting a group of 8 corys, not sure which ones I will get but I think I’m looking towards the false julis, sterbai and the many others that have similar looking patterns.
I won’t get any EBA for now, however they will be added to my bucket list of fish. I think I’m really interested in getting a group of 8 corys, not sure which ones I will get but I think I’m looking towards the false julis, sterbai and the many others that have similar looking patterns.
Never a bad thing to have school of Cories. Just research which ones like your water temps. I know Sterbai like it a little warmer but Paleatus like it a little cooler. You want ones where your temperature is the mid range of their temperature range. (y)
Luckily my temperature seems to not be a big problem for corys as most like it around 24-25 degrees:)
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