Aquarium Advice Activist
It’s 120cm by 40 cm by 55cm
That's the 240.It’s 120cm by 40 cm by 55cm
Fluval Roma 200 is 1000mm long x 400mm wide x 550mm high.
I just looked at one I found online, I wasn’t trying to correct you I sent the message at the same time.That's the 240.
If you are interested in breeding the Kribensis, get a male and female. If you just want some extra color, stick with just females as they get the nice red in the belly area.Back to fish I’ve changed my idea and like the look of a kribensis can I have
• a kribensis( how many should I get)
•a bristlenose pleco
• 6 panda garras
• Leopard danios how many can I get along with my current 8?
The Krib is going to take up space in one area and the Garras will be all over the bottom so there may be some initial "get out of my territory" squabbles but I doubt it will last long. As for who is going to be at the top level, none of the fish in your list are not top fish. Danios may go to the surface for food but generally live middle to bottom level fish. If you are going to add more fish, I'd look into more top dwelling fish since your bottom is occupied and the middle will have the danio school.Would the kribensis fight the garras as they are all going to be bottom to middle fish and territorial . Apart from the danios who will take up the top part of yhe tank
No, Tetras are middle to bottom level fish. Some top water fish species include Hatchetfish, Halfbeaks, Golden Wonder Minnows, some Pseudomugils and African Butterflyfish. When you go to your favorite fish store, look at their fish selection from a distance and you'll see where the fish like to hang out. ( If you get too close, they will all come to the top thinking they are going to be fed. ) It's when they don't see you that is when they act more naturally.What top fish are there i should get? Are tetras top level fish? Would blue emperor tetras or rummynose tetras work
From what I searched up they should be at the top level of the tank which they are in my current 75lNo, Tetras are middle to bottom level fish. Some top water fish species include Hatchetfish, Halfbeaks, Golden Wonder Minnows, some Pseudomugils and African Butterflyfish. When you go to your favorite fish store, look at their fish selection from a distance and you'll see where the fish like to hang out. ( If you get too close, they will all come to the top thinking they are going to be fed. ) It's when they don't see you that is when they act more naturally.
If you are talking about the Clown Killies, yes they are top fish. If your Danios are staying at the surface however, that would mean the oxygen level in your tank is not as good as it should be. Oxygenated water starts at the surface and works it's way down through circulation. Increase the turbulence at the surface or add an air stone to increase the oxygen level and they should start staying in multiple levels.From what I searched up they should be at the top level of the tank which they are in my current 75l
Yeah I currently don’t have any but if I do get some I’ll make sure they are toward the bottom. It’s just all the fish I like the look of seem to be bottom half fish. Are any of the livebearers top fish?Here are some videos of different Tetras in their natural habitat:
You'll notice that they all are towards the bottom of the water column. If yours in a tank are not at the bottom, there is something in the water they don't like. Usually it's lack of oxygen.
Belonesox are top livebearers but will probably go after your danios. They are real carnivores. The amazing pike killifishYeah I currently don’t have any but if I do get some I’ll make sure they are toward the bottom. It’s just all the fish I like the look of seem to be bottom half fish. Are any of the livebearers top fish?