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i am waiting with anxiety your reply. i thing from pictures that are octocoral
:sleeping:Try brushing your hand over it. If it stings it's a hydroid!:sleeping:
I can't find a pic that looks exactly like what you have but from the pics I have seen on the net I believe they are some kind of Hydroid. not a good thing to have but I can't be 100% sure that's what they are. I'm going to send your link to another member and see what they have to say.
What other corals, if any, are in your tank? Most hydroids seem to have non-pinnuled tentacles or pinnules concentrated from a central stalk (that I know of). Yours almost look anthelia-ish...are the smaller colonies under the larger in the pic of the same characteristics? I'm also counting 8 tentacles, a characteristic of soft corals.
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i have NO corals in my tank. Yes they are smaller colonies
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