What kind of nudibranch could this be? I have discovered 4 of them &
they're eating my leather coral! They only eat one particular kind, but
it's almost gone. The coral was large, but started to disappear slowly.
I thought something was wrong with it, but it looked really healthy! I
was looking at my tank in the moonlights when i saw them. turned the lights on & there they were munching on my leather. Must have been
there for months undetected. Their sizes range from half inch to 2 inches.
Please help me identify them & advise whether to remove or not!
they're eating my leather coral! They only eat one particular kind, but
it's almost gone. The coral was large, but started to disappear slowly.
I thought something was wrong with it, but it looked really healthy! I
was looking at my tank in the moonlights when i saw them. turned the lights on & there they were munching on my leather. Must have been
there for months undetected. Their sizes range from half inch to 2 inches.
Please help me identify them & advise whether to remove or not!