The top 2 are slate, I think. The middle ones might be carbonaceous. The red one, ????, but usu. red indicates presence of Iron.
Slate would be safe for aquarium. To be sure, test with a bit of vinegar & see if it bubbles. If it does, it isn't slate & will dissolve into soft water. Main problem with using Carbonaceous rocks (ie CaCO3) is that the carbonates will dissolve into water (the calcium is not that much problem). Carbonate will increase your KH & pH.
If you have hard water, this is not really a problem. When your pH is 8, the water is basically saturated with carbonates so any additional rock won't make any difference. If your water pH is in the 6's, the rocks will really mess with your water parameters.
If the rocks pass the vinegar test, it would be wise to soak them in a bucket of tap water for a couple weeks. Measure your KH & pH before & after. If there is no change, the rocks should be fine.
<BTW, Iron containing rocks are best left out of your tanks - they stain silicone & glass, and might promote algae.>