what size aquarium do I need

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 31, 2010
Worton on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
:confused: after deciding to return my 2 inch Foxface because he killed one of our new chromis in our saltwater tank, if I decide to keep him in a separate tank what size tank do I need to make his life a happy one. I won't be adding any additional fish maybe a snail or two. He'll have the aquarium to himself.
A Foxface lo should be in a 70 gallon or larger aqaurium as they can grow to 8 or 9".
They have very small mouths and are algae eaters. So how did it kill a chromis?
I personally dont think he killed the chromis either. If you have more than one chromis then they killed each other but that`s a story for another day. What are your size constraints? As Cmor said the foxface needs a 75 gallon tank.
foxface trouble

cmor1701d & melosu58
Foxface is a dead issue. I'm :Ding knowing our 30gal. SW tank is cycled and all aboard are happily swimming around. I'm also :Ding because I know we'll go bigger in the distant future. I think a 50/55 gal. would fit in our living room but we'd have to find a larger cabinet. From what I've seen here at AA, browsing through all your beautiful aquariums going 50/55 requires a lot more equipment than just a water pump and heater. Anyway, right now we're very pleased with what we have now. I think growing slowly is the best way to go. :usa cmor1701d..how big is your sailfin tang? He's beautiful.
Jimbo: Be afraid be very afraid. I love a good sense of humor. A good laugh does a lot of good. As soon as I get photos I'll add them to my profile. I have a small 10 gal. fresh and the SW tank is 30 gal. Can I put you on my buddy list?
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