What's causing my fern to die

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2018
I've had this fern in my tank for about 3 months. It's never really done very well so I just wanted some opinions from some people who know more about plants. It looks like it's getting eaten by probably my bristlenose. But my problem with it is the newly developed grey areas. Is this some kind of deficiency of something? 20180818_074155.jpg
Yes, swords plants are hungry plants. What are you dosing?

Bristlenose do also love them some sword leaves
I don't dose anything I'm new to live plants so have just tried a couple stem plants (which are growing great) and the sword. I was trying to avoid dosing anything as I go away alot so it would be more to do for whoever is feeding my fish.
An easy way to feed that sword plant is with root tabs. They go into the substrate and last weeks to months.

If you do chose to provide nutrients to your plants my advice is something along the line of Nilocg. It is an all in one liquid that is cheaper than many of the other liquids in the long run and complete with everything needed. Just a pump or three a week, happy plants!
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