Which liquid fertilizer is best

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 27, 2012
Kershaw SC
Looking to see which one may be the best. Im using one now but haven't really saw a difference. Its been 2 mths.
That is quite a question. It depends greatly on what you are dosing, and what you need to dose. Comparing different liquid supplements is usually not an apples to apples comparison.

What are you adding now, and why? For example, Seachem N is a great liquid product for dosing nitrogen, but dosing it in a tank that already has readable nitrates would have no effect on the tank, save maybe the potential for additional algae growth.

This article may help you gain an understanding of the different requirements that plants have to survive and thrive:

Introduction to Fertilizing the Planted Tank - Aquarium Advice
I've got different plants from swords to cabomba. Im using yamatogreen -n. Thanx
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