White Fuzz on African Dwarf Frog

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 9, 2024
United States
Hello, tonight I noticed a fuzzy white growth on one of my African dwarf frogs' head. He seems otherwise healthy, coming to the surface, eating, being active. The other two frogs and one guppy are unaffected. I'm wondering if I could have help identifying the issue and finding next steps to help with it. Any advice appreciated!

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I can't see the pictures but white and fuzzy is usually a fungus which is an infection growing on a wound. I would treat the frog in a separate tank with either Methylene Blue at a rate of 50 mg/mL as a 10 second dip, 2-4 mg/L as a continuous bath for up to 5 days OR Fritz aquatics sells a product called Expel-F which is for fungal treatment. If you do the Expel-F, I would first contact Fritz Aquatics ( sales@fritzaquatics.com
Toll-Free 800-955-1323 ) to confirm the dosage is safe for frogs. The main ingredient in Expel-F is listed as a safe antibiotic for amphibians in the ILAR Journal at a rate of 60 mg/kg PO q 24 hr for 7 days.
Hope this helps. (y)
I see.
He has now propped himself up on some wood, half out of the water.
I’ll see about the swab, and in the meantime, methylene blue.
I see.
He has now propped himself up on some wood, half out of the water.
I’ll see about the swab, and in the meantime, methylene blue.
No sense swabbing if you don't have a lab to analyze it.
I would do the meth blue dip first then the long term bath as described in a separate container or tank. Do not use the Meth Blue in your main tank as it will kill off the biological filter ( nitrifying microbes) so you would need to cycle the tank again.
Oh, I thought you meant take it to a lab, and I was going to see if there were any nearby. Got it.
Hope to come back with good news soon! Thank you for your help.
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