White Spot and sick bristle nose help needed

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 5, 2024
Hi Aquarists,
White spot keeps returning I turned up the temperature this doesn't work and it has left my bristlenose looking almost dead. I removed the affected fish to a glass jar within the tank but no water is shared and added the recommended dose of White spot remedy to this fish alone. Now I don't know what to do with the sick bristle nose who is not moving but alive and the potential or further infection. Does anyone have ideas?
Turning up the temperature alone wont always kill off the ich parasite. Did you turn up the temperature, dose medication and leave the medication at higher temperature for at least 4 days after the last white spots disappear? If not the parasites will remain alive in your aquarium and return to infect fish again as the parasites go through their life cycle.

Are you 100% certain you are dealing with ich? There are many other similar looking conditions where the treatment for ich wont help and potentially will make the actual condition more virulent.

Is the pleco still infected with white spots? Medication and extended periods in high water temperature isnt going to be good for the fish. Keeping a fish in an unfiltered jar isnt going to help any.
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