White stuff in new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2009
Wiltshire UK
My new 200ltr tank was set up this weekend. In it I have a few plants (sorry don't know names, just pointed to a few in shop!!), a piece of bogwood, and a plastic - stone looking ornament.

I have on the bottom pea-shingle and some smooth black stones (brought for biorb originally).

To help things along with the cycle I have placed an old stone bridge which was with my remaining goldfish and have also been feeding the empty tank.

Lastly, I put in a frozen prawn!

Now the first thing I noticed was the prawn had a white coating over it today (day 2) so I removed it, but not before I noticed similar 'stuff' on the piece of bogwood....

... any ideas? Is it harmful? Is it easy to get rid of?

Its opaque in appearance and like a blanket - it covered the prawn completley, the bogwood seems to be underneath more!

HELP :silly:

So far no sign of amonia in tank testing daily.

Oh just remembered - I did squeeze my daughters filter in the water before replacing it - just to speed along the cycle. Her tank has been set up since beginning of December and does suffer abit from brown algae (but now moved position we're hoping this will go). Her water quality is good, and fish seem happy and calm.
White is generally bacterial, and unlikely to be harmful. If it were on fish I would say differently, but that sort of mat will typically go away as the tank becomes established.

Your tank will not cycle or produce ammonia on its own. You need to add an ammonia source. That's generally what the prawn is for, and it shouldn't be removed. It's supposed to rot. Fish food you're adding will work... eventually. It'll be better though if you skip the prawn and just add ammonia yourself. See the article at the top of the forum on fishless cycling.

I can't get amonia here in UK from pet stores. They look at you as if you have two heads - and offer something to rid amonia!! I have tried to explain, but now on shop #4 have given up... was going for the slower method of adding food.

I have a lonely goldfish awaiting to be rehomed (this is what started me on the fish journey)... will add him in but will need to reduce the heat first.

At least the white stuff is ok!
The only place I was able to find the appropriate amonia (Clear,pure, no bubbles when shaken, ect...) here in the USA was at my local hardware store. And it only took 1/2 teaspoon for my 75 gallon tank and maybe another 1/2 teaspoon a little at a time after the amonia started dropping to finish the cycle.
I found it at a grocery store (Piggly Wiggly's house brand). Look in the cleaning supplies section. The cheapest generic-brand one will generally be the one without additives.
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