Aquarium Advice FINatic
I posted this in at the end of my thread in the photography section, but no one has responded, so I figure I'll re-post here.
Ok, it's been several months since I've been here, but I just noticed something this evening that shocked me! I think I have eggs! They weren't there yesterday... My sevrum has been munching on the algae scrubber in the last week or so, but I figured it was only because there was a bunch of algae on it. The thing that confuses me is that I don't know which fish these eggs came from. The sevrum is the only sevrum in there, so there is no way it could have mated. The yellow labs might be the owners, but the sevrum chases them away from the scrubber if they come close. The only other fish are 3 tetras and 3 otos. There is also 1 "mystery" snail.
Can anyone identify these eggs? What should I do wth them? I fear that if they are labs, the sevrum may eat the fry (if there are any). Any ideas??
Ok, it's been several months since I've been here, but I just noticed something this evening that shocked me! I think I have eggs! They weren't there yesterday... My sevrum has been munching on the algae scrubber in the last week or so, but I figured it was only because there was a bunch of algae on it. The thing that confuses me is that I don't know which fish these eggs came from. The sevrum is the only sevrum in there, so there is no way it could have mated. The yellow labs might be the owners, but the sevrum chases them away from the scrubber if they come close. The only other fish are 3 tetras and 3 otos. There is also 1 "mystery" snail.
Can anyone identify these eggs? What should I do wth them? I fear that if they are labs, the sevrum may eat the fry (if there are any). Any ideas??