Worms! :,(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 29, 2016
I have been dealing with this problem for over a year now and at this point I just want to get rid of all of my tanks. I have researched this topic hours at a time and they appear to be Planaria however .... I'm a very experienced hobbyist. I have had tanks for more than 20 years and never encountered this problem and now can't seem to get rid of it. The problem has become so bad that it has spread to other water sources in my house such as my bamboo water bowls. Apparently this is a result of overfeeding tanks but since I don't feed the water in my bamboo I don't understand how it is spread there. Aside from doing multiple water change after water change gravel cleaning I have also tried hiring a professional cleaner to come in and clean all my tanks. After almost a year of being unsuccessful in trying to eliminate this problem I finally dismantled all of my tanks completely bleached them out, bought new filters for each tank and new lights for each tank actually washed my fish and turtles and completely set up all new tanks before transferring my fish and turtles back into their homes. Less than one week later they reappeared in first just one tank and then within days back in all of them. I can not begin to explain my frustration except to say after wiping away the tears I am ready to give up. If anyone has any advice or help to offer please..... I just don't even know if it's worth it anymore!
Even more confused

Thank you very much for your link and sharing the information. But I'm not sure it helps much �� As I said I have done just about everything under the sun to rid my home of whatever is infesting my tanks. I have been an aquarium hobbyist for 20 years now. I am extremely firmilar with tank maintenance, over feeding problems, gravel cleaning regular water changes. I have learned over the years through experience.

Someone on another site suggested they are mosquito larvae after looking at the photo I posted.

I removed all fish ... Poured approx. 4 cups of bleach into the tank. Let it run for 7 days. I drained all but 2 inches to move the tank away from the others. After allowing the tank to sit for another week undisturbed.... You would think bleach would kill any kind of egg worm or larva. Nope!!!!

I am at a loss if bleaching won't kill them ... What will ��������


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They are larvae of some sort. They do look like mosquito larvae. That would explain why they keep coming back. Mosquito fly to water and lay eggs. Bleach only last for one day after that it is ready for more eggs. The way they are positioned is the way they breath. From the back side. Seal the tank so the insect has no way to the water to lay eggs and the emerging insect has mo way out. If is a insect larvae and the tank is sealed you will see them flying around trying to get out. This way at least you will eliminate if its mosquito or some other bug. If it is mosquito or some other insect this would explain how they are getting from one water source to another. It only takes one mosquito to lay hundreds of eggs and they live surprisingly a long time.
Forvot to ask how do you do water changes. Do you put water in buckets and let them sit open or do you use water strait from the tap. If you store water in buckets make sure tbey are covered. The bugs could be laying eggs in that water.
I use water straight from the tap. Often my husband helps and he brings the hose in from outside to fill the turtle tank. He is a plumber and says it's the same water that comes in the tap. If it is determined to be flying insect. How do I stop this ?
I would check your premises for any standing water. As mentioned previously, mosquitos can breed in wet/damp areas. Take measures to prevent them from entering the home by using intact screens on doors/Windows.
On a positive note, mosquito larvae are relished by most fish.

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Unfortunately, turtles don't eat larvae. Sadly having thousands of worms in multiple tanks ... Larvae or not, is disgusting and I find nothing positive about my situation :'(
The hose is is the most likely sourse if it does not have sprayer on it. Some water remains in the hose after you wrap it up and those mosquito will find it and lay eggs in it. Once they are in the house they repeat this using your tanks. Got to kill both the larvae and the bug. Kill the larvae in the water and and seal the tank with a screen so the ones that that emerge have no where to lay eggs and new bugs have nowhere to lay eggs. It will take some time to interrupt there cycle that is if it is mosquito larvae.
Thank you! No more hose!! And lots more work but hopefully all this new information helps! � �
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I would've thought the fish would love feasting on those.
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