Worried about my zig zag eel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 29, 2016
Vancouver/ Victoria

So I got my zig zag eel about two weeks ago and I haven't seen him eat since I got him. He lives in a planted 29g with a peacock eel and some tiger barbs and corys with plenty of hiding spaces (tubes and caves). He stays buried most of the time just with his head sticking out, unlike my peacock who spends his time roaming the tank. Sometimes I'll find the zig zag lying on the driftwood that's still floating at the very top of the tank and I'm worried this behaviour could mean something is wrong. I've tried everything to get him to eat, my other eel handfeeds and I'll hold it right in front of his face and he'll just look at it and eventually swim away, not scared of my hand but just not interested in the food. I've also tried just leaving it for him and I've never seen him touch it. I've tried frozen bloodworms, freezedried tubifex worms, bug larvae pellets and bottom feeder pellets and there's even a minnow still in the tank. I was going to buy some more minnows to try to get him to eat today incase he's just gotten accustomed to this one, but I'm not sure what else to try.

Any advice would be helpful! (Please don't just tell me my tank is too small, I'm aware it's the bare minimum)

Thanks in advance!

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Try a small earth worm. Thats what my eel preferred over everything else.
I just got them from my compost pile and rinsed them. Never thought about parasites. Feed them that way for 3 years. Best part it was free.
If you don't have a compost and don't wanna dig in the mud, see if there are any fishing stores nearby. I don't feed my guys earth worms but you should be able to get some there. They should come in like little Styrofoam cups with dirt in them that they keep in a fridge as bait.

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Has anyone ever seen the lying at the top of the tank behaviour in their eel before? I'm quite worried about him.

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