Aquarium Advice Regular
I have my fluorescent hood light on a timer for around 12 hours right now, because I want it to be on in the morning and also after work, at least for a little while. I would really rather have it on less time, though, because this seems to be stimulating excessive algae growth, and because it extends the time that my poor clown loaches have to endure bright light (especially since there is a period in the morning when there's natural light, before the artificial one even comes on).
So my question is, what's y'all's opinion on having the light come on in the morning, turn off much of the time while I'm at work, and then come on again for my evenings at home? Since I'm currently the only one enjoying the fish, there's no external reason not to do so. I'm just wondering if it will wreak havoc with the fish's biological clocks and cycles and whatnot and make them unhealthy, unhappy, or confused.
Thanks for your thoughts!
So my question is, what's y'all's opinion on having the light come on in the morning, turn off much of the time while I'm at work, and then come on again for my evenings at home? Since I'm currently the only one enjoying the fish, there's no external reason not to do so. I'm just wondering if it will wreak havoc with the fish's biological clocks and cycles and whatnot and make them unhealthy, unhappy, or confused.
Thanks for your thoughts!