Yellow Head Jawfish

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So it's day 3 now and this fish isn't eating. I have been placing pieces of mysis in his house and he grabs them and moves them out of the cave. Any advice for feeding?
Gregcoyote said:
I was afraid of that. You might soak the food with a bit of garlic, that sometimes works.

Crazy thing just happened.. I went out and got some frozen brine shrimp and tried that. He sucked it right down! That stuffs like candy for fish! After a few pieces of that I tried the mysis again and he sucked it in.........waited a few seconds and spit it out.. Picky little turd! I'm glad he eating tho! I also noticed both Saturday and Sunday I came home and found one of my ricordea frags in his house! Saturday I moved it back and what would you know! Sunday morning it was right back in there! I glue it down and he pulls it off the rock. So I hid it on the other side of the tank and so far he hasnt found it. I read that they like to pull frags in.
I guarantee that if you had access to enriched live brine shrimp, he would eat like a pig. For now, just soak the frozen shrimp in some food booster with vitamins. Glad he is eating!
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