Aquarium Advice Addict

Neocaridina heteropoda var. "yellow" A.K.A. Yellow Shrimp. They are the same species as Neocaridina heteropoda var. "red" A.K.A. Red Cherry Shrimp, just a different colorization. These two shrimp should not be mixed together because they will produce a wild/brownish type color, which in most cases, are unwanted. They prefer a pH of 6.0-8.0, they like a temperature of 72F-84F. It takes 30-45 days from pregnancy to hatching. At adult hood they carried 25+ eggs at a time and gain a very very deep yellow color. They love javamoss and will clean up extra food on the bottom of aquariums. They prefer planted aquariums. It is strongly suggest to have a shrimp only aquarium before purchasing, but that's just an opion. Breeders have sucessfully kept 300 of these shrimp in a 10G. I raise my in a 20G Long filled with javamoss and hornwort. Sexing these shrimp is very easy once they get older, the female will be a very deep yellow, when the male is just a pale yellow, but still good color and very active.
They cost $2.00 each. They are sold at 1/4'' to 1''.
Accepting paypal only.
Ship to around the U.S. only, no international orders. I only ship on Mondays, Tuesday, and Wensday only. I ship them in a styrofoam insulated box filled with newspaper and are shipped in a Kordon Breather bag and something to latch onto during the trip. Prioty Shipping: $10 Anywhere U.S. (includes packaging charges)
Terms of Sale:
Live guarantee with every purchase!
If you have any questions feel free to private message me.