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I put two in my new tank ,after cycling. One of them seem to be agreseve.Keeping the other Damsel behind the power head. Do they normaly do this ? I think hes going to stress him o death. Thanks Duane
Thanks pufferman- Well the lfs told me that they would get along good with clowns.What would you suggest to get along with clowns? (I want 2 or 3 of them)
When i cycled the tank i used shrimp.
The Damsels were the first fish i added after the cycle. I think ill leave them in there until i quarintine something else. Does that sound good?
Yellow Tailed Damsels are aggressive little buggers and two of them fighting is normal, to a point, and yes he can kill him by harassing him to death. I cycled my tank with yellow tailed damsels before i knew about fishless cycling and i regreted it . I had to take them back to my LFS after I finished cycling due to their aggressive behavior towards my clown pair. I would seperate them if it gets to bad in a QT tank or take one / both back to fish store. Either one or both of them ( yes, even if they are small) will be aggresive towards most other fish you add to the tank. Good Luck!
they would harass even a tang just if youre going to add some fish with dominant damsels. They should be like 5 or 6 six times the size and should have some defense
IMO depending on the size of the tank the Yellow-tailed should do fine with clowns.. I have 2 perculas and a yellow tail in my 55gal.. They seem to be ok.. btw the yellow tail was what i used to cycle my 29gal before that tank turned into a QT.. I have since then added him to my 55gal with my 2 percula clownfish and he hasnt seemed to bother them at all.. from what i have noticed.. btw if he gets territorial just rearrange the tank a bit.. it will make him unfamiliar with sorroundings and less likely to pick a fight...
we have a yellow tail. he has been with us from the begining and we don't have any problems with him. if you put two of the same damsels in the tank they will fight with each other.we had two black damsels and they did that and we had two blue damsels and they did that.hth