Aquarium Advice Apprentice
(30G Freshwater tank, EHEIM 2213 canister filter, 8 Zebra Danio, 5 Cardinal Minnows, 1 Clown Pleco, 2 Nerite Snails, AquaSky Tank Light, mixture of live and silk plants)
This female Zebra Danio is looking a little rough- she seems to have a scale on her body that's peeling off (reminds me of a snake shedding it's skin). It's just that one spot, just that one scale, but her fin on the other side seems to have a small rip. I have 8 Danios - 5 males and 3 females, and today the males are really harassing the females. I assume it's to spawn - they're trying to drive them into some low plants I have. Could this be from the males nipping, or the females going through rough spots? I'm hoping to get some more females soon and move the ratio in the female's favour, but I'm not sure right now if I should do anything other than maybe remove the males for a bit, let the girls rest?
(The water looking green is just the greenish setting of my tank light.)

This female Zebra Danio is looking a little rough- she seems to have a scale on her body that's peeling off (reminds me of a snake shedding it's skin). It's just that one spot, just that one scale, but her fin on the other side seems to have a small rip. I have 8 Danios - 5 males and 3 females, and today the males are really harassing the females. I assume it's to spawn - they're trying to drive them into some low plants I have. Could this be from the males nipping, or the females going through rough spots? I'm hoping to get some more females soon and move the ratio in the female's favour, but I'm not sure right now if I should do anything other than maybe remove the males for a bit, let the girls rest?