10 gallon stocking

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 30, 2011
Hi. I have a 10 gallon nano reef. At the moment I have a perecula clown and a yellow tail blue damsel. My first question is is that alright? My second is if it is alright is there anything else I could add or should I just leave it how it is? Thanks.
My opinion is neither of these fish are suited for housing in a 10 gal tank. The damsel especially will be very aggressive, and very active.

Check out Live aquaria's list of suitable marine fish for a 10 gal: Nano Fish
It says ocellaris clowns are Ok and aren't they a lot like percula clowns
It says minimum of 20 gallons for an O. clown. Percula clowns are quite a bit more aggressive than Ocellaris clowns, and you will notice it lists 30 gallons for Perculas.

Since live aquaria is trying to sell fish, I would say even their numbers are pretty liberal when it comes to stocking. Some folks would recommend even larger systems for some of these fish. There are plenty of fish, however, that are suitable for a 10 - just not these.
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O ok. In my tank I have an abundance of copepods and if I where to remove the demsal and clown could I possibly get some type of dragonet
An abundance of copepods won't last long in a 10 gallon tank. However, I have never kept them, so I couldn't say for sure. I have just always heard you want a very established, large tank if you expect the population in the tank to sustain the fish. However, you an always purchase pods as well.
Ok well I probably won't try it because there aren't any good saltwater aquarium stores so I'd have to order the copepods online
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