Starting out a nano, but...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 9, 2008
Hello all, I'm new to this forum so forgive me if I've misplaced this thread, but here I go.

I've been doing freshwater aquariums for some time now, but I've always wanted a saltwater aquarium. So, I finally decided to make one, and a nano to boot! I've purchased a run-of-the-mill premade Nano-cube, and I'm planning a trip to my LFS for some RO saltwater and live sand/rocks and coral. I'm really wanting to put some harlequin shrimp into my nano tank after I've finished cycling and preparing the tank with coral, but I've hit kind of a snag. I don't have any, or know where to obtain, any asterina starfish to feed them!

I thought I would just start breeding them in a seperate tank, but I could really use some advice on how to start and maintain a suitable home for my asterinas.

Any advice would be a great help!
Mine came with my LR. I have hundreds in my tank and fuge. Just ask your LFS if he has any on his LR.
You will have to have a massive colony of asterinas to sustain a pair of Harlequin. If your pair will eat them then they are fine to feed but they will still probably require a larger star everyonce and awhile. A lot of LFS will bargain off Chocolate Chip Stars for cheap to Harlequin owners, there is usually at least one ugly CCS in a shipment that they might cut you a bargain on. HTH.

EDIT: If your LFS doesnt have any asterina find a local reef club or someone here who is local and im sure someone has plenty they are willing to get rid of.
Ah, thank you! Definitely won't cycle with any coral then. ^^ How about Live Rock, is it ok to cycle the tank with live rock in it?

Jimbo, how often would you need to feed a harlequin a larger sea star? Or better yet, how often do Harlequins eat at all? I've researched a lot about them, but I haven't run across anything about their feeding routines.
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Ah ok, thank you. I should be heading out to my LFS tonight to get some live sand and live rock. Thanks for the advice ^^
Buy dry arogonite sand instead. That "live sand", in a closed bag for months in the warehouse or store I'll bet, is in no way "live". More expensive too.

Dry sand rinsed to death with FW to keep the tank cloudiness down, is your best bet.

Ya know, since I just remembered we're talking nano cube, prolly won't make a lot dif anyway.
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