Adjusting flow in reef

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 24, 2013
I know this is known subject.. But I just purchased 2 jebao wp40's for my 6'reef. I played with them for an hour. Got them set so the current is good.. But now I can seem to find a happy spot for my low current corals.. 2 brains. An elegance and a gargonian.. How do you guys set yours? My tank is sps dominant.. But still have those low flow corals.
I try and use rocks to "shield" my low flow corals when I can. One if the reasons I like the islands scaping style
Island scaping style? Can you post a pic by chance? Here is what my flower pot looks like now.. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1393557971.751182.jpg
I've been playing around with my 2 wp40 as we'll these last few days. I had it on "else" mode but now I trying wave 2 mode. We'll see. Love the power on them tho
This is my only real mixed reef at the moment, and I can't find any pics from the cycle to show you just the rocks but you can still see what I mean ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1393561940.269975.jpg
It looked a lot like my new 10's scape before everything grew in
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