Carpet Anenome non-aggressive?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2005
New York
I was curious if there is a such thing as a non-aggressive that won't eat fish carpet anenome? The LPS suggests that there is. If so where would I find one online? Thanks
Carpets are mean. the only anemone I have ever seen actually hurt someone is a carpet.
I agree with the others... My friend has one and its a killer... It had lots of fish and crabs for dinner. If you had a large tank 100++ then it may work out..
There is a carpet that is touted as a "mini-carpet" that is sold. They are supposed to stay really small. I would think that a small one would be less able to eat things swimming by and since they don't roam they'd do less damage.
They grow excessively fast if fed more than once every 2 weeks. They enjoy lots of light. They hardly roam unless underfed-underlit. They will eat fish if they swim into it... my cleaner shrimp seems to have paired with it as it is always up on it, picking at it.

It will only eat something that is almost dead already and actually finds the anemone to sit on it, literally committing suicide (poor blue gudgeon :cry: )

Don't expect your "mini-carpet" to stay mini more than two months.

If you keep it fed/lit, it is far from aggressive and looks beautiful.

Of course --- this is all IME.
Stichodactyla tapetum. These stay miniature all their lives.
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