Quick Question On Bristle Worms..

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I'm not that good at deciphering which worm is which so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of bristle worm is the one I saw today.. It was half orange half some dark color like purple. Anyone have a clue please let me know..I've seen then in many aquariums I was just wondering about them.. I'm used to seeing the ones that are completely orange that get a big size..I'm not sure about these..Thanks in Advance.
If you get a pic it may help.
I don't know where Dr. Ron's credibility stands around here but he is a marine biologist and will identify critters if one is sent to him. You need to contact him first for shipping instructions.
BINGO!!! First one is it..Sweet.. I got a ton of them..Thanks!
No problem!

Oh..in the future if you have an Id question, you can check out our site. We have a section dedicated to nothing but common critters...complete with pics and a brief description.

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