Serious/funny question - stereo impact on livestock

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2005
Atl, GA
Ok.. since I'm building up to getting some of them SW critters in here (wall is lookin awesome soon)..

I have ALOT of high quality stereo equipment all around the house..
Most specifically in the room on the backside of the tank..
And well, like anyone, I like the music at a nice high volume..

That gonna 'piss' off my fish/inverts?

Anyone with experience here?

While in some deluded day dream it'd be nice to see them enjoying the reverbs, I doubt they will..

thoughts? jokes? feel free to make fun, I just want the lil slimy bastages happy...
I've had drastic outcomes from a tank that was positioned ontop of a tv/hifi/ gaming cabinet. did an experiment with feeder guppies in a 20gal with the surround sound somewhat higher then usual. they were dead within 2 weeks, where normally they would survive until they're gloomy deaths in the oscar tank(months of QT) in a "quieter" part of the house.

put your ear flat on the side of the aquarium and listen to all the noise the powerheads/pumps/stones actually do make. imagine living in that..I think that'd be bad enough without the addition of external sound.

On that note, I actually have a pair of constantly breeding green terrors ontop of the same cabinet but our house is very quiet now.. 8)
Might be all those late night videos and dvd's ;)
Well.. I imagine the glass n flow cancels out the high freqs... just figure the bass (220w in one room, 300w+ in the other, further away) might wiggle their fins a bit..
Don't mind limiting my rock'n'roll a lil if it means happier, healthier additions..

(dogs don't like it unless I dance with em...cats run and hide at the powerup...)

I'd sooooo love to see a 'chain' o shrimp walking along to Mr. Roboto...
ultra pipe dream...but hey, we all gotta have em..
Going back to the mid/late 80's I played bass in a metal band. The drummer & lead guitarist were brothers, so we practiced in their basement.

The drummer also bred oscars. We played together twice weekly, the drummer & his brother played daily. The oscars bred constantly. No easy listening music here, Ozzy, Metallica, A little Whitesnake & so on. Full stacks & double bass drum set.

All I can figure is that the fish were acclimated to the sound and vibration. Too bad the neighbors weren't so easily acclimated.
My fish have always seemed happy when the music's on. Then again, they mostly hear Marley and Toots and the Maytals, so happy, mellow and hungry are what I'd expect.
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