Advice needed.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 16, 2011
apologies if this is in the wrong place, I'm new to the forum.

I have just had my tank for a month now and new to it, i put in 3 red wags, yep a male too, anyway the female started hiding the other day and had 3 young, when i checked later i could only see one so i assume the other fish ate them. i went and bought a floating breeder box, one with the slits the fry can get through and away from the mother. i caught another 3 fry and put them in the bottom. can anyone tell me if the red wag will have more just now? or when the birthing starts do they keep going till finished? i understand they can have quite a number, but think the catfish and the other red wags may have eaten the rest.
how long does the birthing take? I also know they can store sperm so will probably have more later, but the reason im asking is i have the females in the breeding box, and if they have finished i want to let them back out so not to overly stress them. any advice is welcome(ps told ye i was a novice lol)
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