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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2011
I'm thinking about getting some cories for my 10gallon tank, but i have a few questions:
1) what types can fit in a 10gallon/ how many?
2) what are the requirements?
3) how do they breed?
4) water conditions?
5) how to sex them(if posdible)
1) I think julis, pygmies, or pandas are the only cories that can fit in a ten gallon.
2) Nothing that special, but they need lots of room to swim, and like being in schools of six or more. They are bottom-dwelling, and are opportunistic so they will eat any food that lands on the bottom.
3) Not sure, but heard it's hard to do.
4) Anywhere between 6.5-8.5, they are very adaptable. No high levels of any ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates for these guys.
5) Not sure...
Cory breeding isn't too hard, just have some mature fish and feed them well and they will breed. Breeding can also be induced by doing water changes with substantially colder water than what is in the tank, I've done 50% water changes with water around 10 degrees cooler and it seemed to trigger spawning.

I think julii/false juliis are a bit big for a 10g personally, I would stick with the dwarf cory species and pandas.

As far as sexing them goes, males are usually smaller and females larger and more rounded.
1) I think julis, pygmies, or pandas are the only cories that can fit in a ten gallon.
2) Nothing that special, but they need lots of room to swim, and like being in schools of six or more. They are bottom-dwelling, and are opportunistic so they will eat any food that lands on the bottom.
3) Not sure, but heard it's hard to do.
4) Anywhere between 6.5-8.5, they are very adaptable. No high levels of any ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates for these guys.
5) Not sure...
juliis get too big for a 10 gal but the other 2 are aight. on breeding just wait a couple months and then do a cold water change and feed some frozen bloodworms.
Thankyou. Could anyone posdible post a female cory and a male cory just so i know the difference?
I think im going to get 3-4 pygmy corries! Is 3-4 ok or should i get more?
I have four pygmy cories in a 8gal and they are really cool and are fun to watch. I'd definitely recommend them! They also all stick together in a lil gang ;) they can be pretty fun to find though when juvenile they are so small haha!
Lol cool i think im goin to stop in on monday nd pick 'em up! I'll post pics when i get 'em!! Can't wait! Lol:) also wat other fish do you have my tank is empty right now i need fishes:( lol
Ive got five red cherry shrimp too. I was going to put a dwarf puffer in there too but my girlfriend put four guppies in there while I was at work lol. Fortunately they are slowly growing on me or i would have been pretty annoyed ha. Be warned, you might not see the pygmy cories for a bit when u put them in there but once they get used to it after a couple of days they won't even budge when ur by the tank :) four is a good number I think, mine all swim together although one tries to be all cool and go it alone every now and then haha. Their names are Eeeney, Meaney, Miney, Mo as it's fun to try and find all four lol (mo is the rebel who tries to be independent) ;) imo Pygmy cories are ideal for smaller tanks and you will really enjoy them!
I'm actually not sure what sex they are. I didn't know how to tell the sex when I got them and the lfs was rubbish and laughed at me when I asked and claimed it was a stupid question and impossible to tell lol. I've never been back there ;) erm i also have been too lazy to check ha. So yeah I honestly don't know.
O... Ok, well do you know how big they have to be to breed? And how they breed?
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