Does anyone else have platies?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 22, 2003
Okay, so I've been struggling with some sort of worm (ick!) for awhile now. I got advice to try a drug called Dyacide which I ordered online and added to my tank last night.
(Just to refresh...the worms tend to be very long and white and hang from the anus)
I noticed that out of the platies a few days ago that right at the anus was a small white thing (not even 1 mm). I thought this might be the start of a worm. So today I tried to pull it off of one of my platies, as suggested by someone on the board, I can't remember who anymore. Unfortunately I think I hurt him. It did not pull easily. And now he is very unhappy, hiding with clamped fins, the whole bit.
Is there a chance that that white thing is supposed to be there? I notice it on one of my other platies too.
I am concerned that this Dyacide did not work since the worms are still there (if there were worms).
(I apologize for the disgusting nature of this post and asking you to look at your fish's privates. :oops: )
This is camallanus, not ich. You need levamisole or a similar dewormer to take care of this.

DiscoMed is a fish medication that has levamisole in it and should be available at your LFS. I had a bout of this (yuck!) and the DiscoMed worked MIRACULOUSLY with no harm to my fish.

Do not pull the worms from the fish, though. These things are attached inside their intestines and you will cause them harm by trying to remove them. Worms on the outside of the fish are okay to remove manually, but don't pull anything you see hanging from their... um... bum. ;)
Yep, I've got 5 platies, all kind of different looking. I see their poo sometimes and it seems white and stringy, but I never worried too much about it because they all seem pretty happy and active.

I notice that sometimes when I give my platies and mollies bloodworms, and they chow down like maniacs on them, the next day's poo is kind of white and gross, some stringy and some thick. I just attributed it to the protein in the worms, 'coz usually they get flakes, algae flakes or algae wafers.
I also keep about five platies, and various numbers of fry. I have noticed the sames thing that myriam has noticed with the bloodworm feedings. I also never have worried about anything with them except for the bout with ick that I have a few months ago.
Thanks for the DiscoMed information and all the rest. I think that's just what I need. I just ordered it online.

(I didn't actually think it was ich though - just that the worms are icky! :p )
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