Feeding a betta in a community

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Daphnia are People Too.
Jun 30, 2011
Lincoln, NE
I have a betta in a 10 gallon community with embers and tiny silver tip tetras (until the silver tips get a bit bigger, then they go into a bigger tank). Should I do anything to feed the betta differently than the others? They all eat tropical flakes and sometimes have a few blood worms. I have not had good luck getting him to eat betta pellets.
Whoops, I meant WEEKS, not months. Anyway, if the flakes and worms are ok, then I will stick with that. However, if there sometihng special in the betta-specific food, I will try a different brand.
I think their are vitamins and what not to keep them healthy and help their immune system, the kind i have is supposed to make their colors more vivid. Do you drop the pellets in when he is at the top or do you just throw all the food in at once?
I have done both. I tried waiting until he is at the top. Thats easy since he comes up before all the others when I open the lid. He bumps the pellets, but then ignores them. Even if I do not put in any other food, he won't even taste them. Maybe he is just picky. Lol.
But, he seems to be in good health. He is active and vivid.
He could be picky, mine was at first. I would try feeding all the other fish and while they are busy, wait for him to come to the top and try again. I had to basically stand there and talk mine into it haha.
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