how old is your betta

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 11, 2006
Lubbock Texas
I have had my betta 3 years now he is just starting you show signs of his old age. When I first got him I was very new at fish keeping and put him in a 1 gallon un heated unfiltered spongebob tank, then when
I was cleaning it one day with him in it I dropped it and it broke so then after I picked him up off the floor he went into a small bowl then into a ten gallon tank for a while untill I got my 100 gallon tank and the ten was torn down, now because he doesn't like my guppies he is in his own 5 gallon tank. I think he is one of the toughest fish I know of.

I was just wondering how long they can live?

Tell me your betta story.:wave:
My first fish was a betta (well ok, when I was 2 I had goldfish but does that count? no not really). I aquired him from my cousin, who had already had him a number of years. He went from vase, to one gall, to two gall, to 5gall, to another (different) 5gall. All in all he lived about 5-6 years :)
I hear that bettas are very strong fish, in the sense that they live a really long time. Does anyone know why bettas are always kept in 1/2 gal bowls? I see this in almost every LFS I've gone to and I'm really curious as to why that is?
because it is cheap and most stores are in it ony for the profit and bettas can survive it
I figured as much, I hate how bettas get such poor treatment : /
I had one betta that lived for almost 4 years. Their life span is usually about 3 years. 5-6 years! That is impressive!
i have had my betta for about 2 years and he is not showing signs of slowing down. he lives in a 5gal heavily planted tank, with a heater and a HOB filter and 2 otos for company.

the oldest betta i have heard of lived for 8 years!
Well, I'm not sure how old my betta was when I bought him last month, but I hope he lives at least 3 years and 5-6 would be wonderful! He's such a great companion and has put up with my mistakes and ignorance valiantly!!
my bettA Is a beautiful blue too. I say my betta my 2 1/2 year old has laid claim to him so I guess you can say that the betta is his ( Ha Ha)
From what I've read bettas in the wild live in stagnant little rice patties and even pools of rainwater so they are adapted to small settings, which is why they evolved the labyrinth organ which lets them breathe air. I've had three bettas that I didn't take good care of because I was an inexperienced little kid, but many years later I have a new one and he lives in a 5 gallon planted natural tank and he's the King in there :) His companions are three stripped shrimp (i think they're basically ghost shrimp but slightly bigger), and about a million snails.

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