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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 17, 2004
Vancouver, WA
My fiancé and I are up to six tanks.
Last month we bought two N. brichardi and put them in the community tank. They didn’t belong there, but I was listening to my fiancé instead of researching :evil: . Then I fell for shellies and we decided to do a Tang biotope. After purchasing the N. multifasciatus and putting them in the 29 gal with the brichardi, problems arose. The brichardi were very interested in their new tank mates and the shellies would swim around will-nilly and NOT hide in their shells. There were two shells per shellie, but these fish were more interested in being nipped by the getting-meaner-by-the-minute brichardi. If only the shellies would turn to the brichardi and tell them URAJRKPLSGOAWAY, my problem would have been solved! Not only that, one shellie took up residency on the sponge covering the filter intake (no shells up there) and one decided to live below the filter intake (again—no shells!). We put in a tank divider and hit the books. Nowhere does it say shellies will lose their minds and not hide in their shells when being chased :nono: . However, I did discover that if brichardi were mating, they would take over an entire tank. Hmmmm. How did I get so lucky (these fish were picked randomly from a larger group and there is no sexual dimorphism)? I do not keep fish so they can make babies (except the Mollies, but that is a food source and they are not territorial; heck--they haven't even lived up to their end of the bargain yet!)!!! I’m not 100% sure the brichardi are an item, but they are awfully close and do everything together.
I spent all evening moving fish around. My tanks went from:

80 Gallon Mbuna Cichlid Tank (and one confused Blue Acara)
50 Gallon Community Tank
29 Gallon Lake Tanganyika biotope
20 gal BW Tank (not yet)
10 Gallon Badis badis Hex Tank (with a lone Badis)

to the way they are listed in my sig.

Someone hit me if I ever listen to my fiancé’s advice about fish in the future (FYI--he got me into this hobby :p ).
This is what I was worried about. I had proposed the same configuration in my 44, "assuming" that the N. Brichardi would inhabit the extensive rockwork I have, and the N. multifasciatus would inhabit the dozens of shells strewn about on the sand. I was told that both of these fish get extremely territorial and disaster might ensue, but I could try it.

Well, my shellies never materialized and the Brichardi are all over the tank, spitting sand around and inspecting the shells, as well as hanging out in the rocks. I got 5 individuals and it appears that I have 2 couples, because there is a lone (female, I think) who hangs out at the filter spray bar. Every once in a while someone will cruise by and give her a quick nip. I do mean quick!! They are extremely fast and nippy, so she is going to have to be relocated when I figure out what to do with her, since she obviously does not fit in.

I am very interested in your story because I was still prepared to try it, and now I think I will not! :D

Good luck, and I do think your shellies will be perfectly happy in the 10, as long as you don't have too many males. I will bet you if your pair of Brichardi are indeed a pair, you will wind up with babies - they are not quite convicts, but pretty close!
Preaching to choir sistah! 8)

But I have cantankerous labyrinth fish as my major population. So It's to be expected.
With me , and the two kids..I lose track of tank count sometimes....
Menagerie said:
My fiancé and I are up to six tanks.
Last month we bought two N. brichardi and put them in the community tank. They didn’t belong there, but I was listening to my fiancé instead of researching :evil: .

Boy, does THAT story sound familiar! :)

"But honey, the tank says that these puffers do fine in a community tank!"

Then came the 29 gallon tank to move the puffer into (since it turns out he DIDN'T do so great in a community tank)... and we're looking at tankmates for the puffer.

"But honey, the guy over there said these brichardis would do fine with the puffer!"

Then comes the 55 gallon cichlid tank (since it turns out the brichardis picked on the puffer relentlessly)...

I feel your pain Menagerie! :)
I will bet you if your pair of Brichardi are indeed a pair, you will wind up with babies - they are not quite convicts, but pretty close!
Just what I need :roll: I was at an aquarium auction yesterday and there was a TON of brichardi juvies. I can't stomach it, but I may have to get my fiancé to feed the fry to the Mbuna. Speaking of Mbuna--the Socolofi is gravid AGAIN and displaying to anyone who will look in her direction. It appeared she was displaying to the catfish at one point last night. Last time she lost her eggs (but Jack Dempsey was in there--I believe she swallowed them due to stress). We shall see what happens this time around.
I feel your pain Menagerie!
MTS, ain't it grand? I keep on "collecting" 10 gallon tanks, because I constantly rescue bettas, and can't stand "the bowl." I subdivide them and put two unhappy male bettas from where ever in them. . .
Another tank...daughter got a 18 tall for the discus QT figured he'd be cramed in a 10) Heh! and of courese Mr Cookie is another fish. And discus like compnay..and another size tank is needed for that...
And I get nmny promised pugs soon
LOL, christmasfish, so your going to keep the discus afterall?? Way to go!

If I was out of college and still didn't live in mom and dad's house, where I have to ask their permission to buy a new tank, I would have too many! As it is now, if I want any, they have to be in my room. I can't talk them in to letting me put one in the foyer, or in the living room, that would be cool! No...instead my bedroom looks like the lfs :lol:
Menagerie said:
Hmmmm, what happened to heal and sale?
Well, Anna has been pining after discus and had started to read up on them. Next to the tangs she thinks they are the most beautiful; fish in the world. She paid for most of all the things including the 10 spot for Cookie himself. now that she has her foot in the discus door its:
"well, we can't find him a home... no one would buy him.. remember you said he is ugly... and he is old too. Unless I fib, they will know he is 9. And if they are a total stranger that doesn't keep discus they would kill him worse than if we threw him in all alone in Dutche's SA biotope this summer. And it might take time for him to recover.. He must go to a real discus person....YADDA_YADDA."

And the darn thing even like her in an obvious way. When I talk to it it becomes still and striped. When she talks to it it glows turquoise spots and comes right up to where she is in the tank. HmmpH! Doesn't that fish know who the authority roun' here is! :twisted: She carried it cradled for warmth in her jacket while we did a fast shop for a larger QT tank and a better heater and peat granules.
i did point out the cost of getting him company..she pointed out that some of her betta cost more. i GIVE!
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