Where's the brackish tanks!?!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 20, 2013
Canada, Ontario
I'm always looking on the first page of planted tanks for brackish tanks but never see any whenever I'm on. Anyone have links to brackish builds on this site? I wanna do one in the future but don't know the first thing about it. Them {mod edit} bumblebee gobies is whats got me wanting a brackish tank so badly aha.
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I have an 80g BW set up. Pics are in my albums.

I have 2 dragons, 4 knights, 12 sheepshead pupfish, and ghost shrimp

Nice tank, love them bumblebees aha. What ppm salinity is your tank at and what do you use to measure? I've been looking at refracto meters and hydrometers but heard hydrometers aren't very accurate.
I keep mine at 1.005-ish now, and I use a hydrometer.

I found that all of my gobys do better on the light side of the salinity. I had bumblebees for years, but my knights ate them
Shouldn't knights be saving people, or erm fish in this case. I guess the bumblebees do have that grumpy look to their face, maybe they are the bad guy in this fairy tale haha.

Does having lower salinity allow more variety of plants too?
Ha, the knights eat anything that fits in their mouths, and the poor bumblebees were just too small.

Yes, the lower salinity helps, but I've had mine up to 1.008-10 and my plants did just fine.
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