You tube fx5 water change

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 6, 2012
Anyone seem the you tube vid of the guy changing water through filter ? He treats tank but pumps water back in through filter , i thought all that untreated eater passing through media would kill bb . Been looking at the fluval as new filter an like the ease of changing water but unless I'm missing something in vid I don't think it's a good idea.
I didn't see the video you mentioned but pumping untreated water through the filter media into the tank doesn't sound like a smart idea.

The FX5 is a good filter though. I've been using one for over a year now with no issues.
If you take the filter pad out while you are pumping water into the filter then I can see why he would do it. It would create less disturbance in the tank especially if you have sand.
Yeah suppose you could remove media refill , I just think I would get a panic on about it I like to treat my water in the bucket even before it reaches tank lol
You can also use a laundry basket and fill it up with water treat and then pump it up with your filter
I pour untreated water directly into my HOB and it doesnt hurt... Wouldnt leave it long though...

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