Wanted: live plant package

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 19, 2013
i had to rehome my betta to his own 10 gallon. instead of spending money on silk plants that don't last i'd rather give him a planted tank. i have floromax and i am in the low to mid range light level.

i want to get a few different varieties. background etc and even floating.

i am going to use the 10 gallon as a bit of a grow out tank that i can take cuttings/ runners and put them in my 30g and 55g. so its okay if it will outgrow the tank.

i am looking for a package deal for around 15-20 bucks including shipping.

i have done live plants before (like 10 years ago) but never took very good care of them so they always died. i have all the right stuff this time but i'd still call me a beginner. easy to care for.

moneywort, hornwort, anacharis, watersprite, java moss, java fern are some that i like and seem easy enough. anything a little odder would be okay too.

if at all possible give me the common names too just to make it easier for me to look up.
I honestly would suggest tropica fern, some hearty anubias, marimo moss balls crypt balansae, java lace, Amazon swords, especially the ozelot sword
I can get you a whole bunch of hornwort (half sandwhich bag), 4 decent size blyxa japonica), and some java moss for $20 shipped. All are mid to low light plants.
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