didn't think about my pest control and water runoff

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 12, 2011
Ok so I get a pest control treatment every 3 months . I live in Florida and it is necessary to keep out the spiders, cockroaches .... Etc. Mostly I just really am afraid of spiders in my house.

So anyway when they did the first treatment i put a tarp over the fish pond. However I didn't consider the rain running off of the roof since the pond is right on the back patio. So far its rained 3 times this week and the fish seem fine. I am not always home when it rains so I cant cover it. We tried to move the pond to the edge of the ratio when I drained all but a few inches of water but my husband and I couldn't budge it. It is aprox 160 gallons

Should I be concerned about the residual from the pest control treatment running off in the rain? The company says once it dries it is waterproof so... Just not sure
Update, moved the pond to the edge of the patio so no water runoff from the house will get into the pond.
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