Do I need an air stone?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 19, 2011
Outside Omaha Nebraska
I have a ten gallon with 5 neon tetras 1 male crowntail beta and 2 African Dwarf Frogs. I have a heater that keeps my tank between 78 and 80 degrees. I don't gave an air stone and I am wondering if I need one.. I have had them
For 2 days and have never seen them go up for air??
That's not a good sign. They should be darting up for air every few minutes or so. Maybe you are just missing it because they can do it super fast. mean..they can't breathe underwater. If they're living..they're breathing at some point. If they aren't coming to the surface for air often it could be a sign that something isn't right. Are they otherwise active?
I wouldn't do that just yet. If the frogs are ill and having trouble coming up for air the extra aggitation won't be helpful. If you want to aerate the water more wait until this situation is figured out. With your stock I doubt it's necesdary anyway.
Have you posted pics of them in one of the threads yet?
Yes I agree, posting a photo will be a good option because we can sort out the exact problem if we seen it.
Ok I see no signs of dropsy..which is a very good thing. Dropsy can cause them to stay on the bottom and not come up for air as often as they need to. Jane is emaciated though. Do you have frozen bloodworms? I would be feeding that frog frozen foods 5 days a week until it fattens up. Are you seeing them dart up for air more now?
I can see that she's stretched out. She is underweight. They are improperly fed at the pet stores and are usually emaciated at the time of purchase. Extra frozen foods will go a long way in helping her get healthy.

Well it's one of three things..1. they are going to the surface and you are missing it. 2. they have been harassed when going to the surface or fear they will be harassed. 3. they are ill and don't have the strength for the dart to the surface.

Keep an eye and let us know what you see :)
At this point in the game I can only assume they are very weak. Go for the frozen foods. ADF's are carnivores and a pure pellet diet isn't great for any of them, but especially the young and weak. They need protein and fat..frozen bloodworms will give them plenty of that. How on earth you could possibly get bloodworms into them without the betta getting them first, I can't tell you. Which is the #1 reason I don't keep them with fish. A betta will hunt out a bloodworm anywhere in the tank. You may need to seperate for feeding. I would feed ADF's frozen foods atleast 3 days a week, and every feeding until your frogs start acting normal.
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