stocking 36G bowfront help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 7, 2011
Ok so my cycle is getting close to being complete, ammonia going down, Nitrites spiked, Nitrates still 0 so not long now. Anyway here is what I am thinking about. Let me know what you "guys" think.

4 Red Cherry Shrimp
6 GloFish
1 Neon Blue Gourami
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Flame Dwarf Gourami
1 Boesemani Rainbow
2 Mickey Mouse Platy
2 Dalmatian Lyretail

Mixer :confused:
I would recommend Only doing one gourami. The Dwarf gourami (just like bettas) are aggressive toward their own kind and other gouramis. Having 3 will only be looking for trouble.

The Boesemani Rainbow fish is a schooling fish and needs to be in a school of at least 6. You might want to go with a smaller rainbow (They get around 4 inches), but thats just my opinion.

You might want to get more than just 4 red cherry shrimp, I can barely find all 5 of mine in 30 gallon (Usually only see 4 out of 5. On occasions 5). You might want to also go with a bigger species of shrimp like Amano shrimp (You have to be wary with your DG).

I would advise only to get one gender of Mollies and Platies (Female; Males usually fight). This will avoid constant breeding. <- But, Females can hold sperm up to 3-4 months after the first spawn so you are probably going to get babies either way.
I agree with tyspot

The 3 gouarmies could be a problem, some people have success with them, but you will need plenty of plants or ornaments to create their own spaces.
Tyler pretty much nailed it.

Fish love shrimp. This morning I found my guppies snacking on a full-grown RCS. I'm not sure how it died, but they sure made short work of the body. If you're going to try a colony of RCS, start with about 20 and provide them moss or bushy plants to hide in. Hopefully you'll be able to start a breeding colony that will replace any losses the fish might cause.
So is the gourami problem mainly that I have multiple species? I have seen plenty if tanks with multiple gourami. Also what other rainbows are there? I've only seen the bosemani.
Also maybe I will replace the glofish with 6 red nose tetras. Man! So many choices.
Gouramis are actually in the same family as bettas and they sometimes have very similar personalities. If you could get a male-female pair of gouramis, you might be able to add more than one.
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