Help a.s.a.p with featherduster

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Steven A

Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2005
The crown fell of this morning, I then went to move the tube that the crown is attached to and I felt something move inside so I left it. I have just returned home from college to find a slug thing, I presume (99%) think it came out of the featherduster tube. What should I do?
I'm thinking you should leave it alone. They blow their crown if something/someone is bothering them or they are about to bail 'cause of water conditions. When their body actually leaves, either they are doomed soon or will construct another tube somewhere else I believe. Anything in there that might be pestering it? How are the water parameters? How long has it been in the tank?

I'm also guessing you might gently push it closer to the rock so it can find a hiding space to construct another tube.
Thank you for such a quick reply once again austinsdad. Water quality is fine and there have been no fluctuations. The only living things in there are 3 hermits. It has been in the tank for 6 days and has been fine up to this. Do I remove the old crown and old tube?
Either that or maybe the cleanup crew'll take care of it. I really don't think he'll use them anymore. Didja have in in a light, medium, or heavy flow area? Mine (got 5 of'm) seem to prefer light to medium flow.
4.4 watts per gal and was not near the flow output, btw you know that coral that is on the image along witht eh feather duster does that prefer to be near the flow outoput?
I don't think many thinks like to be in the direct flow of water, but some flow is good so they can "catch" micro particles of food and rid themselves of waste. If not the main water return flow, powerheads pointed at the front wall for instance can give you decent flow to dead areas as it bounces off the wall. I don't know what that coral is.
My feather duster lost his crown to a spiny sea urchin, and he grew it back in no time...

I just helped him along by putting his tube close to the rock with a tad bit of sand on top of him so he could bury himself.

I think I read that they can rebuild their tubes, just like austinsdad said, with the use of sand...

although, i have never seen the worm abandon tube...

good luck.
I`ve seen many a FD lose his crown and regrow another but I`ve not seen many times once they leave the tube a happy ending. But lets hope I`m wrong and it is a happy ending.
the hermits will eat him if given the chance. i am sad to say that ive lost 2 dusters to hermits. i think mine were bothering him to the point that they threw thier crown and when they started out of the tube, they pounced. sorry, people say they are easy to keep but they seem to be touch and go for the first few months in the tank.
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