Lost shrimp!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 5, 2004
Maryland, USA
I got a peppermint shrimp for my 20 gal tank last Thursday, and have not seen it since the night I put it in! The only other inhabitants are some astrea snails, some blue legged hermit crabs and an emerald crab. I also have 10 lbs of live rock. I looked under all the rocks (rearranged them all too!) and even behind the tank! Where did he go!!??!?? I'd even be happy if I saw evidence that he had lived and didn't make it. Seeing nothing is just disturbing!
Drop some food in the tank. This will often bring the shrimp out of hiding. Its not uncommon for perpermint shrimp to be in hiding 90% of the time. :( I know its depressing.

I got a pair of fireshrimp I paid $25/each for that I have only seen once since putting them in my 75.
I have 5 peppermint and one cleaner in my 55. The cleaner is always out in the open and usually it's easy to spot at least 3 of the peppermints. Although I thought I had lost one for a few weeks because I could never count more than 4. But once i started feeding with blender mush, EVERYONE shows up for dinner.

I have 2 peppermints and I never see them unless they get too close to the overflow and I find them in the mesh I have in there. They are primarily nocturnal. You can see their eyes glow at night with minimal light in the room. Might want to look for it then.

I have one that I did not see for about 4 months. Then one night while looking around with a flashlight ther he was! Bigger than ever...scared the heck out of me!!!
my peppermint shrimp hides during the day too. as soon as i turn out the light he comes out. and since my computer monitor is on i can see his eyes by the reflection and he swims all over the tank.i bought my yellow watchman and he never comes out. i have never seen him eat either
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