My betta is acting strangely...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2004
to whom it may concern,
my betta which i have bought 3 days ago, started to turn a little darker than his original color, and I have noticed him jerking his head as if he were skitzo.. and close to his anal fin I am able to see a white spot.. so i am guessing it is ick, i have just treated him with "super ick". btw, he's in a jar, i would say.. half of a liter. if anyone can help me, i would appreciate it :( .

First, why the heck are you keeping him in a half liter jar? I just bought one today, but i am keeping him in a one gallon, planted tank. I dunno, i think that is like four liters. Second, do you know that it is a male? I think you are pretty positive, i know mine is because it was on the container. I am guessing stress, i don't know about ich, BTW, that is only for saltwater, i think is has another name for freshwater. See the lounge and you will notice an article called the plight of the bettas. Please read that. Let me just say that keeping the betta in that is like keepin you in a 12 foot tall room that is only 2 feet wide. Pay 10 bucks for a bigger tank.
First, why the heck are you keeping him in a half liter jar? I just bought one today, but i am keeping him in a one gallon, planted tank. I dunno, i think that is like four liters. Second, do you know that it is a male? I think you are pretty positive, i know mine is because it was on the container. I am guessing stress, i don't know about ich, BTW, that is only for saltwater, i think is has another name for freshwater. See the lounge and you will notice an article called the plight of the bettas. Please read that. Let me just say that keeping the betta in that is like keepin you in a 12 foot tall room that is only 2 feet wide. Pay 10 bucks for a bigger tank.
yea its a male, I bought it at my workplace and I know how they are sexed, etc. I am thinking about 2 possible situations, either i place a container in my 20 gallon tank with all the right fish EXCEPT for my fantail goldfish (they may not get along), or put my betta into the tank but with a container, around 1 liter (in the container). As for a bigger tank, I do not have enough room for a 5-gallon (what i originally wanted). Thx for advice.

Don't put him in with other fish yet; if he is ill you don't want the others to get sick too!

Its possible the jerking is part of the fish's response to the irritation of the ich.
Don't put him in with other fish yet; if he is ill you don't want the others to get sick too!
oh yea! shoot almost forgot about that part
thanks for the reminder.
and another question is the product "super ick" effective? do you have any recommendations for the process of curing my betta, Allivymar?

thanks in advance.
Go take a peek at the article I wrote on ich; its in our article section here :)

I actually never use meds to treat ich, so I don't know how effective SuperIck is; I suspect, if it contains malachite green, its as effective as most of the other typical ich meds. While I normally suggest the heat treatment (in the article) I'd not do it in your case. High temps can cause problems with bacterial infections, and we don't know if your guy is suffering from one yet. Better to be safe.
all i can do that is hope the medicine will kick in (if ich is the case). i have read it before, its well written :D once again thank for your advice and time. i'll keep you posted for any news on "his" condition
Oh dear. He's still in the 1/2 liter jar? I know bettas are sensitive to many meds. How often are you changing the water? In that small container, the ammonia and nitrites will accumulate quickly. You need to do doing daily water changes.

BTW, duaumun, ich is ich in SW, BW or FW. The parasite is different, but it's still called ich.
Yup. i do daily water changes, im going today to get him a 2-gallon bowl for the time being. and ask my boss what my fish has..
Hey. just got back from the lfs, they told me to bring my fish tomorrow. On the brighter side, i bought him a 2-gallon tank and a couple of meds. He's looking happy in the dark swimming around freely. :mrgreen: I have a question, what plant should I put into the tank?? i heard that the java moss can be a great addition with bettas.. any suggestions??
If you get fake plants for your betta tank, get silk ones. The plastic ones may tear or fray a betta's delicate, long fins. There are many pretty silk plants, in different sizes and heights, and they are not expensive.
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