Is my betta sick?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Is my betta sick? He has been hanging around near the top of the tank.
Is it ok if I pet my Betta. When I pet Betta he swims off, but then returns to the top of the tank. Mr betta likes budling his bubble nest. Do you need photo's or videos of betta? :whistle:

I just found this on google. I guess this was not a good idea to pet betta.
Betta fish should rarely, if ever, be petted. It's not good to pet them, as it may remove their natural slime coating, making them prone to certain diseases. Also, never touch them with dirty hands, as bacteria can easily be transmitted through direct contact.
No, it's not a good idea to pet any of your fish. They are for looking at and observing, not touching. If you need to pet your pet, get ones with hair. :whistle:
No, it's not a good idea to pet any of your fish. They are for looking at and observing, not touching. If you need to pet your pet, get ones with hair. :whistle:

That was funny. You made me :lol: i have a cat I can pet. I will not pet my fish anymore. That is what my cat is for, she has hair. :whistle:
Here is a video of betta on top of tank, he sometimes move, but is not very active.
Here is a video of betta on top of tank, he sometimes move, but is not very active.

He's under his nest. That's what they do. He needs to stay near it so that if a female comes along, he can escort her to his love nest. :brows::brows: It's a nice looking nest so he's healthy. (y) Just so you know, his swimming around like before will not be happening until he gets bored waiting for a female. ( And NO, adding a female will not make things better because they spawn and then the male drives the female away so he can raise the fry. If she doesn't leave, he may kill her. :eek: )
I had some ex's who acted like a Betta fish lol

He's under his nest. That's what they do. He needs to stay near it so that if a female comes along, he can escort her to his love nest. :brows::brows: It's a nice looking nest so he's healthy. (y) Just so you know, his swimming around like before will not be happening until he gets bored waiting for a female. ( And NO, adding a female will not make things better because they spawn and then the male drives the female away so he can raise the fry. If she doesn't leave, he may kill her. :eek: )

I had some ex's who acted like a Betta fish lol. Also, happy to hear my Betta fish is healthy. He should be fine, because I check my water daily. Also my betta is by himself, and will stay that way. I know nothing on how to breed bettas. Betta is busy making his nest again. I am watching betta as I type out this message, he sometimes swims about, then he is by his bubble nest a lot. Since this is normal I will not worry about it. Thanks for your reply. (y)(y)
I had some ex's who acted like a Betta fish lol. Also, happy to hear my Betta fish is healthy. He should be fine, because I check my water daily. Also my betta is by himself, and will stay that way. I know nothing on how to breed bettas. Betta is busy making his nest again. I am watching betta as I type out this message, he sometimes swims about, then he is by his bubble nest a lot. Since this is normal I will not worry about it. Thanks for your reply. (y)(y)
All I can say is breeding Bettas is not for the weak of heart. :eek: Check out the female in this video. (
) She actually looks pretty good compared to some of the ones I've bred. :eek:
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