Neon Problems

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 11, 2002
I have a small school of neons, but it seems to be getting smaller. About a week ago I noticed that one of my neons' tails was losing the red and turning white. I did a 25% water change, and all the levels look fine. Well he died. Today I noticed that another neon had the same loss of color in his tail. It looks like the red is being bleached out. The blue stripe on top stays very bright, but the red disappears. My water is testing fine and no changes have been made to the tank. Is this a neon disease or maybe a sign of old age in neons?? The water temp is 78-80 degrees, and I feed them a diet of flakes and dried tubifex. Anyone ever see anything like this?

What is your pH and hardness? Neons are somewhat sensitive...even more so than other tetras.
Logan J
Ph is 7.2ish I am not sure about the hardness of the water. I would suspect it is fairly hard. But they have been doing well for about six months. :?
i had a school of neons, and one day I went upstairs and five had disapeared. All that was in the tank was one other and my sailfin pleco. I took the whole tank apart last night, the others inhabitants have since deseased. I still have not found them. I am going to get some toads tonight.
Ok, I have figured it out. I though I would share FYI. They have "Neon Tetra Disease" This disease is caused by a parasite that basically invades the fish's muscle tissue and destroys it causing the color to fade to a milky white. Usually along the spine. The parasite eventually causes cysts and may cause the fish's body to contort. Secondary infections may set in, such as fin rot or bloating. There is no cure for this disease. The only treatment is to remove and euthanize the infected fish. The disease is passed around by other fish eating or picking at an infected fish. I couldn't figure out how I got this disease in my tank, since I haven't introduced any new creatures in quite a while. I then read that it can be passed by Tubifex worms - something I routinely feed my fish! I have removed the infected fish and thrown away the freeze dried Tubifex worms. Hopefully I have solved the problem. I am a bit worried, because this disease is NOT limited to Neons. Any Tetra is at risk (except the cardinal tetra) as are cichlids... I have a great school of angels that I am hoping to breed as they become mature. I really hope that I don't have to start over with them!! Hope this helps others! :|
Thanks for sharing Jasonit. I had a school of 4 neons and that is now a mere school of 2 - they can be very difficult to maintain and keep, but I think I've just about clocked it now.

What do you find your neons like to eat ??
My neons liked to eat flakes, and ghost shrimp! I know it is weird but its true. It reminded me of Harlequin shrimp eating starfish. The tetras eat the eyes of the shrimp, the shrimp die of starvation. Then the neons have a feild day eating shrimp.
Well, I was feeding a mix of tubifex and flakes... I guess I will switch to brine shrimp and flakes.
I vary my community diet between flakes, pellets, tuibfex and mosquito larvae (frozen). They were eating flakes last night for the first time, but sometimes can seem a bit fussy.

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